CLOTHES HANGERS - 12TH SCALE 12th scale clothing hangers in various colours and styles. Price is 50p for a pack of two. £0.50 View details
FIRE EXTINGUISHER Sixth scale fire extinguisher, 6.5cm tall. (This is actually a pencil sharpener so the bottom is removeable.) £1.00 View details
LAUNDRY BASKET - 1/12 SCALE 1/12 scale plastic laundry basket, measures c. 3cm tall. £0.50 View details
PEDIGREE SINDY SPRING CLEANING / WASHDAY / HOUSEWORK ITEMS Items from Sindy's various housework and laundry sets. £5.00 View details
REALLY USEFUL PLASTIC STORAGE BOXES Mini 0.14 litre plastic storage boxes with clip top lids. £1.00 View details
SINDY DOLL HANGERS Vintage Sindy doll hangers; various styles and colours. 50p each. £0.50 View details
UNBRANDED FASHION DOLL HANGERS Vintage and modern unbranded fashion doll hangers. 25p each. (Some of the vintage ones possibly are from a named doll - I just can't ID them if so...) £0.25 View details